April 13, 2012


Bulk pick-up time in the hood is always rich with evidence of the impermanence of our material lives.  It feels good to stretch out my eyes on the edgy and organic mounds of matter sprawled out in my neighbors' front lawns as I walk Joey around the block.  It is visual exercise for my brain.  I have long documented the found paintings and found sculptures of my environment, and thus far that research has only loosely played a role in the studio work.  But, I'm now wondering how I might make a more direct leap from found to form.  I think the observational drawing and architectural rendering classes I have been teaching for the past few years are rubbing off on me.


  1. From found to form. . .hmmmm. . .very nice.

    1. Thanks, Adrienne. :) Now, if I can find some discipline in this matter...
