December 22, 2011

Ball of Potential

I didn't even know what this ball of material was when I bought it at a little store in Hampden.  I just knew I loved it.  I think it may be the remnants of an old rag rug.  It sits somewhere between raw material and a beautiful object in and of itself.  I like that it quivers with potential, yet I have no idea what to do with it.  For now, it is a sculpture that sits on a book on a table. 

Stomping Ground

Sitting and sipping under the warm ripples of the fleshy mural 
at the Club Charles in Baltimore, for the first time in a long time.

Old Clipper Mill

Beautiful and broken Civil War era mill in Baltimore.
A shell of a once brimming structure where 
workers earned a living melting iron and building machines.

December 14, 2011

Naughty and Nice

photo cred:  The Kinard

One of the best lines of the night...
"If you go home with someone and they don't have books, 
don't fuck them."

December 13, 2011

Last Stop

In the flurry of the end of the semester, I forgot to post about my last stop on the East Austin Studio Tour.  Visiting Caroline Wright's studio is always a pleasure.  She is one of the most prolific makers I know, consistently pushing paint around on paper in a way that feels completely untethered and free.